Mothership Construction
From January 2023 through the summer of 2024, our partners at Deneuve Construction, Shopworks Architecture and BlueLine Development worked tirelessly to bring to life what would become a transformative four-story, 66,000 square foot campus for Urban Peak.
Constructing our new wellbeing terrace “The Lighthouse”
Constructing youths’ main hangout spot “The Commons”
Meanwhile, Urban Peak moved youth from our old shelter into the second floor of the Drop-In Center (DIC), without a single day of interruption in our services. Post-move, the DIC was renamed The Spot and served as the hub of our operations while The Mothership was under construction.
In mid-July 2024, Urban Peak hosted Volunteer for Good Day, where dozens of friends and partners from all different industries came together to help get The Mothership prepped and ready for youth to move-in. Everyone had tons of fun working together as a community to build furniture, stock cupboards, clean, organize and prepare something that will benefit the entire Denver community. Thank you to everyone who showed up to support our youth!
Urban Peak Board Members Brett Wayman and David Jennings help prepare Lumina, the art studio for youth
Snooze employees, led by Urban Peak Board member Bri Borin, generously provided breakfast for Volunteer for Good Day